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CPD: A priority for nurse retention?
Journal ArticleJanet Scammell, Associate Professor (Nursing), Bournemouth University, discusses whether prioritising the provision of continuing professional development would help improve nurse retention levels.

Improving end-of-life care
Journal ArticleJanet Scammell, Associate Professor (Nursing), Bournemouth University, considers the importance of education in ensuring nurses have the knowledge and skills to deliver person-centred care at the end of life.

Nurses and global health: 'At the table' or 'on the menu'?
Journal ArticleJanet Scammell, Associate Professor (Nursing), Bournemouth University, looks at the role of the nursing workforce in shaping wider global health care, and the part nurse educators play in promoting international involvement.

Organisational culture: Why is it important?
Journal ArticleJanet Scammell, Associate Professor (Nursing), Bournemouth University, considers what organisational culture is, and how it can affect the student experience and, ultimately, the quality of care provision.

Person-centred care: What nurses can learn from the patient perspective
Journal ArticleJanet Scammell, Associate Professor (Nursing), Bournemouth University, considers evidence from National Voices, a coalition of health and social care charities in England.

Pressure to place patients at the centre of care has humanised health research
Journal ArticleThe tone of research has changed, says Janet Scammell, Associate Professor (Nursing), Bournemouth University, and it is important that nurses consider the extent of user involvement when undertaking or citing research.

Resilience in the workplace: Personal and organisational factors
Journal ArticleJanet Scammell, Associate Professor (Nursing), Bournemouth University, explains that although resilience is seen as a personal attribute, the role of organisational policies in fostering it must not be overlooked.

The implications of nurse shortages
Journal ArticleJanet Scammell, Associate Professor (Nursing), Bournemouth University, discusses the effects of registered nurse shortages on the education of nursing students.

The interim NHS people plan: Implications for nurse education
Journal ArticleProposals to tackle nursing recruitment and retention issues centre on addressing workplace culture and improving leadership, as Janet Scammell, Associate Professor (Nursing), Bournemouth University, explains.

Valuing carers: Rhetoric or reality?
Journal ArticleJanet Scammell, Associate Professor (Nursing), Bournemouth University, examines a survey from Carers UK that found carers often felt unsupported and underappreciated, and looks at possible solutions.

Humanising midwifery care
Journal ArticleSince the recent publication of the Francis Report (2013), providing care that is kind and compassionate is high on the agenda of all NHS services including maternity.